Divorce Mediation & Collaborative Divorce
Avoid costly and emotional court proceedings and focus on a workable, practical arrangement for your family's transition in a confidential and cooperative environment. The current family justice system often works against parents to reach fair, amicable, and cooperative solutions. The adversarial nature of the court process can have a profound negative impact on parties' emotions and finances and many times, it has an even greater and longer-lasting impact on the children. With mediation and collaborative divorce, you can complete the entire process in the comfort of your attorney/mediator's office and never step foot inside a courthouse.
Divorce Mediation
A non-adversarial process led by a caring, neutral professional mediator that facilitates the negotiation between spouses.
MoreCollaborative Divorce
A non-adversarial divorce process that utilizes a team of specially trained professionals to facilitate a well thought out agreement.
MoreVirtual Mediation
Mediation from the comfort of your own home or office without having to meet face-to-face can be a plus - especially in a divorce.